Counter & Island Tops

A True Survivor

As this story unwinds it reminds us of two things. We can renew ourselves even if we think we do not deserve it; however, we can if we have that thought in mind, we can renew ourselves and make new surroundings meanwhile. Ms. E had a tough time with the trust of construction [...]

Office Build Out

Any company can have store bought furniture. The architectural firm decided they wanted something a bit more natural. So we made everything a natural polished Birch. Comes with a conference table, end divider tables, full kitchen, bench seating and even a couch on wheels.

Transformation of an Island Top

Modest Kitchen ...You can see the transformation of what all takes place. "As you take a look at this modest kitchen, you find it clean and inviting. However, you can see the transformation of what all takes place. Modern, up to date, and state of the art finish work throughout. All the way [...]

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